contains a wide set of commands which you can execute. Maven commands are a mix
of build life cycles, build phases and build goals, and can thus be a bit
confusing. Therefore I will describe the common Maven commands in this
tutorial, as well as explain which build life cycles, build phases and build
goals they are executing.
Command Structure
A Maven
command consists of two elements:
2. One or more build life cycles, build
phases or build goals
Here is a
Maven command example:
mvn clean
This command
consists of the
which executes Maven, and the build life
cycle named clean
Here is
another Maven command example:
mvn clean install
This maven
command executes the
build life cycle and the install
build phase in the default
build life cycle.
You might wonder how you see the difference between a build life cycle,
build phase and build goal. I will get back to that later.
Life Cycles, Phases and Goals
Maven contains three
major build life cycles:
- clean
- default
- site
Inside each build
life cycle there are build phases, and inside each build phase there are build
You can execute
either a build life cycle, build phase or build goal. When executing a build life cycle you execute all build phases (and thus build goals) inside that build life cycle.
When executing a
build phase you execute all build goals within that build phase.
Buid goals are assigned to one or more buid phases. When the build phases are executed, so are all
the goals in that build phase. You can also execute a build goal directly.
Build Life Cycles, Phases and Goals
When you run
command you pass one or more
arguments to it. These arguments specify either a build life cycle, build phase
or build goal. For instance to execute the clean
build life cycle you execute
this command:
mvn clean
To execute
life cycle you execute this command:
mvn site
Executing the Default Life Cycle
The default life cycle is the build life cycle which generates, compiles, packages etc. your source code.
You cannot execute
the default build life cycle directly, as is possible with the clean and site. Instead you have to execute a specific build phase within
the default build life cycle.
The most commonly
used build phases in the default build life cycle are:
Build Phase
Validates that the project is correct
and all necessary information is available. This also makes sure the
dependencies are downloaded.
Compiles the source code of the
Runs the tests against the compiled
source code using a suitable unit testing framework. These tests should not
require the code be packaged or deployed.
Packs the compiled code in its
distributable format, such as a JAR.
Install the package into the local
repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally.
Copies the final package to the
remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects.
Executing one of
these build phases is done by simply adding the build phase after the mvn command, like this:
mvn compile
This example Maven
command executes the compile build phase of the default build life
cycle. This Maven command also executes all earlier build phases in the default build life cycle, meaning the validate build phase.
Build Phases
You can
execute a build phase located inside
a build life cycle by passing the
name of the build phase to the Maven command. Here are a few build phase
command examples:
mvn pre-clean
mvn compile
mvn package
Maven will
find out what build life cycle the specified build phase belongs to, so you
don't need to explicitly specify which build life cycle the build phase belongs
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