Saturday, September 28, 2019

Post#122.Groups in TestNG

TestNG – Test Groups, Meta Group, Default Group 
Grouping test methods is one of the most important features of TestNG. In TestNG users can group multiple test methods into a named group. You can also execute a particular set of test methods belonging to a group or multiple groups. This feature allows the test methods to be segregated into different sections or modules. For example, you can have a set of tests that belong to sanity test where as others may belong to regression tests. You can also segregate the tests based on the functionalities/features that the test method verifies. This helps in executing only a particular set of tests as and when required.

Example: Group Test
Let’s create a test class as, which contains certain test methods that belong to a group.
package Grouping;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class GroupTestExample {
             @Test(groups = { "test-group" })
                public void testMethodOne() {
                    System.out.println("Test method one belonging to group.");
                public void testMethodTwo() {
                    System.out.println("Test method two not belonging to group.");
                @Test(groups = { "test-group" })
                public void testMethodThree() {
                    System.out.println("Test method three belonging to group.");
If you will run above test in eclipse normally, then test execution does not consider the group for execution and hence executes all the tests in the specified test class.
If you want to execute methods under a certain group only, then you will execute them in either one manner discussed in following two sections.

1. Running a TestNG group through Eclipse
In the earlier section we created a test class with certain test methods that belonged to a test group. Now let’s run the group of tests using eclipse.

1)      Go to Run | Run Configurations

2. Select your TestNG Class from the list of available

Go to the Groups section and click on the Browse button. It will open a new popup window as shown in below.

Select the group which you would like to execute from the list, in this case it is test-group.
Click on the Apply button and then click on Run. The following results will be shown in the TestNG’s Results window of Eclipse:
[TestNG] Running:

Test method one belonging to group.
Test method three belonging to group.
[Utils] Attempting to create D:\WorkSpace\DemoTestNG\test-output\DemoTestNG by groups\GRP-test-group.xml
[Utils]   Directory D:\WorkSpace\DemoTestNG\test-output\DemoTestNG by groups exists: true
PASSED: testMethodOne
PASSED: testMethodThree

    Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
Congratulations, you have successfully executed test methods that belonged to a particular group using the TestNG runner configuration in Eclipse.

Running a TestNG group through testng.xml
Configure your testng.xml file as below.
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >
<suite name="Time test Suite" verbose="1">
  <test name="Group Test">
        <include name="test-group" />
      <class name="Grouping.GroupTestExample" />

This xml file contains only one test inside a suite. This contains the groups section defined by using the groups tag as shown in the code.
The run tag represents the group that needs to be run.
The include tag represents the name of the group that needs to be executed.
Once executed the above xml file you will see the following result.
[TestNG] Running:

Test method one belonging to group.
Test method three belonging to group.

Time test Suite
Total tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
Congratulations, you have successfully executed test methods that belonged to a particular group using testng.xml file.

Writing tests which belong to multiple groups
Earlier we learned about creating tests that belonged to a single group, but TestNG allows test methods to belong to multiple groups also. This can be done by providing the group names as an array in the groups attribute of the @Test annotation.
Create a sample class as below.
package Grouping;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class MultiGroupExample {
            @Test(groups = { "group-one" })
    public void testMethodOne() {
        System.out.println("Test method one belonging to group.");

    @Test(groups = { "group-one", "group-two" })
    public void testMethodTwo() {
        System.out.println("Test method two belonging to both group.");

    @Test(groups = { "group-two" })
    public void testMethodThree() {
        System.out.println("Test method three belonging to group.");
The above class contains three test methods. Two of the test methods belong to one group each, where as one of the methods belongs to two groups, group-one and group-two respectively.
Now Configure your testng.xml file as below.

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >
<suite name="Multi Group Suite" verbose="1">
  <test name="Group Test one">
        <include name="group-one" />
      <class name="Grouping.MultiGroupExample" />
  <test name="Group Test two">
        <include name="group-two" />
      <class name="Grouping.MultiGroupExample" />

Once executed the above testng.xml file, You will see the following test results:
[TestNG] Running:

Test method one belonging to group.
Test method two belonging to both group.
Test method three belonging to group.
Test method two belonging to both group.

Multi Group Suite
Total tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

As you can see in the test result, testMethodTwo() is executed in both the tests of the test suite. This is because it belongs to both of the groups whose test methods are executed by TestNG.

Including and excluding groups
TestNG also allows you to include and exclude certain groups from test execution. This helps in executing only a particular set of tests and excluding certain tests.
Create a sample program as below:
package Grouping;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class IncludeExcludeGroup {
             @Test(groups = { "include-group" })
                public void testMethodOne() {
                    System.out.println("Test method one belonging to include group.");
                @Test(groups = { "include-group" })
                public void testMethodTwo() {
                    System.out.println("Test method two belonging to include group.");
                @Test(groups = { "include-group", "exclude-group" })
                public void testMethodThree() {
                    System.out.println("Test method three belonging to exclude/include groups.");
The above class contains three test methods that print a message onto console when executed. All the three methods belong to a group include-group whereas the testMethodThree() method belongs to both include-group and exclude-group.
Now Configure your testng.xml file as below.

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >
<suite name="IncludeExclude Group Suite" verbose="1">
  <test name="IncludeExclude Group Test">
        <include name="include-group" />
        <exclude name="exclude-group" />
      <class name="Grouping.IncludeExcludeGroup" />
Once executed the above testng.xml file, You will see the following test results:
[TestNG] Running:

Test method one belonging to include group.
Test method two belonging to include group.

IncludeExclude Group Suite
Total tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

Using regular expressions
While configuring your tests for including or excluding groups, TestNG allows the user to use regular expressions. This is similar to including and excluding the test methods that we covered earlier. This helps users to include and exclude groups based on a name search.
Create a sample program as below:

package Grouping;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class RegularExpressionGroupTest {
            @Test(groups = { "include-test-one" })
    public void testMethodOne() {
        System.out.println("===Test method one===");

    @Test(groups = { "include-test-two" })
    public void testMethodTwo() {
        System.out.println("===Test method two===");

    @Test(groups = { "test-one-exclude" })
    public void testMethodThree() {
        System.out.println("===Test method three===");

    @Test(groups = { "test-two-exclude" })
    public void testMethodFour() {
        System.out.println("===Test method Four===");
Now Configure your testng.xml file as below.

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >
<suite name="Regular Exp. Group Suite" verbose="1">
  <test name="Regular Exp. Test">
        <include name="include.*" />
        <exclude name=".*exclude" />
      <class name="Grouping.RegularExpressionGroupTest" />

The above testng.xml contains a simple test in which all the groups with a name starting with include are included, whereas all the groups with name ending with exclude are excluded from your test execution.
Once executed the above testng.xml file, You will see the following test results:
[TestNG] Running:

===Test method one===
===Test method two===

Regular Exp. Group Suite
Total tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

Here TestNG executed two methods that belong to groups with a name starting with include and excluded the test methods that belonged to groups with names ending with exclude.
Note: To use regular expressions to include and exclude groups you have to use .* for matching names. We can also use it for searching groups that contains a certain string in their names by using the expression at start and end of the search string (for example,  .*name.*).

Assigning Default group

Sometimes we may need to assign a default group to a set of test methods that belong to a class. This way all the public methods that belong to the particular class will automatically become TestNG test methods and become part of the said group.
This can be achieved by using the @Test annotation at class level and defining the default group in the said @Test annotation.
package Grouping;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

            public class DefaultGroup {
              public void testMethodOne(){
                System.out.println("Test method one.");
              public void testMethodTwo(){
                System.out.println("Test method two.");
              public void testMethodThree(){
                System.out.println("Test method three.");

Group of groups or ‘MetaGroups’
TestNG allows users to create groups out of existing groups and then use them during the creation of the test suite. 

You can create new groups by including and excluding certain groups and then use them.
Create a sample program as below:
package Grouping;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class MetaGroups {
            @Test(groups = { "include-test-one" })
    public void testMethodOne() {
        System.out.println("Test method one");

    @Test(groups = { "include-test-two" })
    public void testMethodTwo() {
        System.out.println("Test method two");

    @Test(groups = { "test-one-exclude" })
    public void testMethodThree() {
        System.out.println("Test method three");

    @Test(groups = { "test-two-exclude" })
    public void testMethodFour() {
        System.out.println("Test method Four");
Now Configure your testng.xml file as below.

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >
<suite name="Group of group Suite" verbose="1">
  <test name="Group of group Test">
      <define name="include-group">
        <include name="include-test-one" />
        <include name="include-test-two" />
      <define name="exclude-group">
        <include name="test-one-exclude" />
        <include name="test-two-exclude" />
        <include name="include-group" />
        <exclude name="exclude-group" />
      <class name="Grouping.MetaGroups" />

Here two groups of groups have been defined inside the test, and then these groups are used for test execution. The MetaGroup is created using the define tag inside the groups tag. The name of the new group is defined using the name attribute under the define tag. Groups are included and excluded from the new group by using the  include and exclude tags.

Once executed the above testng.xml file, You will see the following test results:
[TestNG] Running:

Test method one
Test method two

Group of group Suite
Total tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

Here, testNG executed only two methods, as mentioned in the included-group group and excluded the test methods that belong to excluded-group. You can define as many groups of groups as you want.
That’s all related to test groups in TestNG. 

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