Thursday, September 19, 2019

Post#77.Maven setup to execute from command prompt

Installing Maven:
To install Maven on your own system (computer), go to the Maven download page and follow the instructions there. In summary, what you need to do is:
  1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to a valid Java SDK (e.g. Java 8).
  2. Download and unzip Maven.
  3. Set the M2_HOME environment variable to point to the directory you unzipped Maven to.
  4. Set the M2 environment variable to point to M2_HOME/bin (%M2_HOME%\bin).
  5. Add M2 to the PATH environment variable (%M2% on Windows).
  6. Open a command prompt and type 'mvn -version' (without quotes) and press enter.
After typing in the mvn -version command you should be able to see Maven execute, and the version number of Maven written out to the command prompt.
Note: Maven uses Java when executing, so you need Java installed too (and the JAVA_HOME environment variable set as explained above). Maven 3.0.5 needs a Java version 1.5 or later. I use Maven 3.3.3 with Java 8 (u45).

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