Saturday, September 28, 2019

Post#121.Class level annotations in TestNG

Class level annotations in TestNG
TestNG has the feature to define annotations on a class instead of each test method.
Let’s say there are 20 test methods, where adding @Test on a class level is simpler than adding @Test for each method.

When we make class level @Test annotation, all the public methods of this class will become test methods even if they are not annotated.
We can still define @Test annotation on of the method if we want to add any attributes to particular test method.

Example: @Test annotation at class level:

package Annotations;

import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class ClassLevelAnnotations {
          public void Register() {
                   System.out.println("===Register TestCase Executed===");

    public void Login() {
                   System.out.println("===Login TestCase Executed===");
                   int x = 10/0;

          public void LogOut() {
                   System.out.println("===LogOut TestCase Executed===");

In the above example we have added @Test annotation only to the last method with attribute 'dependsOnMethods'. 


[TestNG] Running:

===Login TestCase Executed===
===Register TestCase Executed===
[Utils] Attempting to create D:\WorkSpace\DemoTestNG\test-output\Default suite\Default test.xml
[Utils]   Directory D:\WorkSpace\DemoTestNG\test-output\Default suite exists: true
PASSED: Register
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
LogOut() is skipped as it depends on Login() which is failed due to ArithmeticException.

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